
At-A-Glance is list of notifications on the HOME page that needs to be reviewed by the auction's admin. 

Follow this link for more information on handshakes and members: Member Management - Members

Pending Handshakes

What are Pending Handshakes?

  • This is a list of the members which claim to be registered at your auction, but could not make a valid handshake.
  • Most of the time this is due to incorrectly typing in a dealership account number for your system, or a missing or incorrect SSN last four in your system. 
  • Once you have verified that they are who they claim to be, you can enter their Dealer Number from your auction system and click "Find Dealership" create a Handshake. 
  • If you find that the member is not who they claim to be or you simply do not wish this member to have privileges for the requested dealership you can choose "Remove Handshake."

How to navigate to Pending Dealer Handshakes?