
This article covers when and how to complete a Lot Turn.

Lot Turn Notice:

Do not perform a lot turn on sale day in the AMS, if your auction uses the Pipeline Toolkit XML as a data feed.  This is for all AMS platforms, not just EDGE AOS or EDGE ASI, and includes, but is not limited to: ASI, AOS, Vero, AuctionMaster, FastLane, custom AMS, etc.

If you perform Lot Turn on sale day, vehicles that did not sell will be removed from the sale, instead of being listed on your no-sale list.

Unsure if you use the Pipeline Toolkit XML?  Please ask your manager or contact our Support Team for help.

Supplemental Documentation:

Additional Help and Support:

Auction Edge offers first rate technical support to our subscribing customer auctions. Our dedicated support staff is available Monday through Friday, 7am to 8pm EST.

Help Desk (Toll Free): (800) 522-8404

Support Portal: https://support.auctionedge.com/