The “Online Sale” component is where you manage your Simulcast sale. Use this section to configure your online lanes, launch your EDGE Simulcast components, monitor your live sale performance, and view reports.  To navigate to the page that we will use for these actions and reports, go to Online Sale → EDGE Simulcast.

Bid Log Report

During a live sale or after the sale is done, you can use the Bid Log Report to see all of the exact actions taken in your Simulcast lanes. This detailed event log is generally useful in Arbitration or other customer service scenarios. To get to the Bid Log Report, log into EDGE Admin and navigate to Online Sale → EDGE Simulcast.

In the top section of the EDGE Simulcast page, click the BID LOG REPORT button. Then select the desired Sale Event.

From here you can choose a lane, and begin browsing the logs. If you're looking for a specific vehicle, use the search to filter the logs.

You can search on any phrase within the logs. For example, search "SOLD" to filter to seeing a list or all the vehicles that are sold in that lane.

Exporting Logs

The Bid Log report includes a "Download" feature, allowing you to download the logs for your own records / use.

This will download whatever logs you have in you current filtering.

If you are looking at a lane with no filtering, you will download that entire lane of logs. If you use the search to filter down the results, the Download will be just those filtered results.