
AuctionACCESS is updating its web service. If the dealer owes AuctionACCESS membership fees, they will no longer be able to use the API. After AuctionACCESS makes the change, their web service will start returning “Membership Fee Due” errors. What Auction Edge does with this response is similar to the invalid AA credentials — we will put all of your AA handshakes to Needs Review and remove the AA number. If you re-add the AA number, it will re-approve the handshakes. 


Here is what the Dealer will see if they try to add AA while owing membership fees (verbiage there is from AuctionACCESS).


Here is what you will see in EDGE Admin if you attempt to add AA credentials to an account that owes membership fees





The AuctionACCESS phone number we display in the message. It is the number that goes to an automated phone payment system instead of a person. A Yellow banner will display for one month giving a warning and enough time for the customer to correct.




We have added a red message to the top of all pages that appear when you have handshakes that “Need Review” from AuctionACCESS. This is similar to the yellow message. You will see yellow for a month and if dues are not paid, you will see red.


The message at the top says “click here”, which takes you right to the page to re-add your 100mil number. We have updated the label on the text box from “Representative #” to “AuctionACCESS ID” and added a “1XXXXXXXX” placeholder. This better matches what they see on AuctionACCESS.com/membership, which should it easier to get back in business.

Lastly, I will just say that when you type your 100mil number in and press “Check with AuctionACCESS” if AuctionACCESS says your 100mil / last four of the government id combo is good, we add the 100mil number to your account and re-approve those handshakes.

If the handshake is Needs Review and from AuctionACCESS, it will say “AuctionACCESS membership fee due. “. If it is Needs Review and NOT from AuctionACCESS, it will say what it always has (“Under Review call Auction for details. “).

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